July 4, 2023

Happy Summer Solstice

I made a playlist of songs about the sun and sunshine for you to enjoy as we celebrate the bounty of early summer and the light.

hand+nature art @naturalcollaborations


hand+nature art @naturalcollaborations



Eric Pickersgill beautifully captures the current decline of our spines (and our minds) in his photographic series “Removed”.

When I stroll through our urban landscape my attention drifts from women’s clothing, nature sprouting up through the concrete, cute dogs, coffee shops, or, more recently who has grey hair, how does it look and how old are they.

But what really catches my attention is people's posture. I can’t help it. It's just me being me. I worry about people’s necks, but unlike the Climate Crisis, there is something we can do to improve this spinal catastrophe. While there is nothing inherently wrong with looking down (our necks are beautifully designed to do this), it's the amount of time we now spend in cervical flexion that concerns me.


Instead of jutting your head forward, tucking your chin and turning your face down (see above photos), consider this:


A. Draw your chin slightly back so your ears are roughly over your shoulders.

B. Lift the crown of your head (without lifting your shoulders).

C. Lower your eyes to read. Can’t see very well? Elevate the phone/tablet.


I am a big fan of phone holders like the one I'm pointing at below.



I've recently been exploring the Stoic practice of Negative Visualization.

Here's how it's done in under thirty seconds.

1. Pause for a moment.

2. Think of someone/something that could go wrong.

3. Pause and consider what the reality is now.

4. Note that there is always something worse that can happen.

5. Continue with whatever you are doing in life and move on.

6. Notice in the future if your approach to this person/thing has shifted.

It's the reverse approach to Gratitude Practices but leads to the same destination:

Appreciation + Happiness

I like it because it gives my negative, doom, and gloom thoughts a productive outcome.



I was delighted to see some mainstream fitness people finally catching up with things I promoted at my studio just a few years ago.

The authors have coached the ‘whose who' of athletes and tried all the movement modalities and gizmos over the past twenty and here's few of their findings:

Sit on the floor, walk daily in minimal shoes or bare feet, make your home more movement-friendly, breathe deeply and slowly, squat lots, don't ice your injuries, roll around on balls and rollers mucho, eat lots of veggies, protein, and fermented foods, and rest and sleep more than you do.

Do whatever else you like (weight training, run marathons, yoga, dance, martial arts) but their 10 essentials habits are, well, essential and need to be integrated.


If you only ever read ONE book on movement, this is the one. Its well put together, clear and covers it all (they missed hanging though).

The book includes ten tests (like can you sit on the floor and get back up with no hands?) and ways remedy any areas that may need “attention”.


Authors Kelly and Juliet Starrett are founders of The Ready State  



Legs up the Wall : Viparita Karani

This quintessential restorative pose is highly effective at bringing balance to the nervous system. It's great to do after a long day on your feet, a flight, or if your mind just won't settle.

Our Restorative Yoga Deck has 25 more poses to inspire.



Until next time,
