


Thanks to everyone who has joined.

It's been an absolute joy to share my musing of the week.

Thanks for all your kind messages and feedback too.


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Stop Reading. Get some headphones. Click this link and Express Yourself! 

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I would love to say that I read poetry, quote poetry, and lean into poetry for solace and insight into the human condition, but the truth is, I don't. I was so delighted to stumble upon Poetry Unbound by Pádraig Ó Tuama and read his commentary on poets and their poems. It dramatically changed my ability to connect to each artist, and now I am finally getting what all the fuss is about.

It's never too late to be that poetry person!

His podcast is an audio treat, especially his Irish accent.


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Devastated. Angry. Heartbroken.

That the perpetrators were black complicates the conversations around policing and race, but in the end, it was still disturbing violence by a profoundly broken system. After some careful consideration, I chose not to watch the four videos, but I wonder now if it's my moral and ethical duty to do so.

Does this decision suggest I don’t care?


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Movement Matters

Consider creating simple movements for your body throughout the day without worrying if you are exercising. Your joints, muscles, and mind will appreciate this much more than a designated ‘exercise’ hour if you remain inactive the rest of the day. I'll expand on this in future Linkletters. 

Think in terms of Land rather than Nature

The concept of nature reserves and state/provincial parks are rooted in colonialism, and we decimated indigenous populations to create them. I think I may now approach all urban, rural, and wilderness as Land and not delegate nature as other. something out there. 

Sex is Everything

The heterosexual world still often describes sex by what men put where and what happens. Let's use sex to describe all intimate pleasure and experiences (alone or with others) and not base it on whether intercourse occurred.

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Until next time,




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